
November 29, 2018

Weekly Report 18-49

BEWARE OF ‘MERCHANT CASH ADVANCE’ SCAMS which have hit some 25,000 businesses across the country in the last several years. Manipulated by “the same people who’d pushed stock swindles in the 1990s and subprime mortgages a decade later…the scam avoids regulatory scrutiny by sidestepping usury & consumer protection laws and state licensing requirements by keeping... Continue
November 22, 2018

Weekly Report 18-48

MOST CYBERATTACKS PREY ON HUMAN FALLIBILITY.” The latest model is ‘Executive Impersonation’ which, “unlike a typical scam email which may have poor grammar or overly suspicious requests, is convincing because the criminals spend time figuring out the corporate culture and common phrases & terms used by employees.” The scam involves an email from someone in... Continue
November 17, 2018

Weekly Report 18-47

TODAY’S EROSION OF CIVIL SOCIETY is the byproduct and unintended consequence of “addictive technologies, chronic economic stress, and greater mobility – collectively leading to erosion of community and replacement with government and corporate structures.” Where traditional communities centered around public spaces (churches, town squares, marketplaces), social centers now emanate from corporate-owned spaces which “foster 24/7... Continue
November 9, 2018

Weekly Report 18-46

DUMPING ADULT ANXIETIES OVER EXISTING SOCIAL PROBLEMS ON CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS was priority again this Halloween season among instructors & administrators from grade school thru college & university levels, who focused on “raw cultural appropriation… by warning students about not dressing as Indian chiefs/Mexican bandits/the Black Panther/ princess Moana, wearing hoop earrings or dreadlocks,... Continue
November 1, 2018

Weekly Report 18-45

  BOTAGEDDON IS COMING. Latest California law now requires BOTS – autonomous programs that can interact with computer systems, particularly internet users, to “self-identify.” Starting July 2019, platforms with over 10 million unique monthly U.S. visitors require Automated Accounts “to provide a clear, conspicuous and reasonably designed disclosure that they are non-human.” The law specifically... Continue