October 24, 2018
Weekly Report 18-44
“ELECTIONS & REFERENDUMS ARE NOT ABOUT WHAT WE THINK, BUT WHAT WE FEEL. If democracy were a matter of rational decision-making, there would be absolutely no reason to give all people equal (or necessarily any) voting rights. There is ample evidence that some people are far more knowledgeable and rational than others, certainly when it... Continue
October 18, 2018
Weekly Report 18-43
MOST PEOPLE NOW IDENTIFY BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY AS THE ENGINE BEHIND CRYPTO-CURRENCY – which it is, but also dramatically more profound, just as the Internet is far more than E-mail. Currently, Blockchain is considered to be a game-changer for (1) the entire supply chain process, tracking product inventories from inception to consumer; (2) tracing & protecting... Continue
October 13, 2018
Weekly Report 18-42
EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ANIMALS, allowed to fly with their owners on airlines, are defined as “companions which, on determination of a medical professional, provide benefit for a person with a psychological disorder, like calming post-traumatic stress or providing a sense of security for anxiety.” All that’s needed to obtain a free passenger cabin flight for their... Continue
October 8, 2018
Weekly Report 18-41
“THE ROLE OF THE SUPREME COURT was established to interpret the U.S. Constitution & body of laws without regard for who might be pleased or annoyed by the outcome… But today, in a nation divided left and right, the Court is coming to be viewed less as an interpreter than as an activist imposer of... Continue
September 28, 2018