January 21, 2018
Weekly Report 18-04
IN TODAY’S DIGITAL-SPEED BUSINESS WORLD, PERFORMANCE REVIEW ON AN ANNUAL BASIS is being increasingly recognized as both inefficient and ineffective. Professional and Service organizations in particular are converting to more frequent data-gathering and direct feedback programs, including ‘future-focused’ discussions which align work-team objectives and priorities on a monthly and even weekly basis, with quarterly individual... Continue
January 16, 2018
Weekly Report 18-03
• PROFESSIONAL SERVICE FIRM MERGER/ACQUISITION accelerated last year in size and quantity, responding to economic conditions. Principal motivation for larger firms involved recruitment of staff as well as clientele, and for expectation of increased margins through economies of scale; for smaller practices, principal motivation usually involved increasing difficulty in recruiting/ retaining staff, and/or absence of... Continue
January 9, 2018
Weekly Report 18-02
THE POST-MILLENNIAL GENERATION – KIDS BORN AFTER 2000 BEST KNOWN AS ‘GEN Z’ – have grown up during a period of mass disruption, watching parents lose jobs & retirement savings, older siblings achieve college degrees but struggle for jobs to offset student debt, and technology consistently and rapidly displace itself to the point where old systems... Continue
January 2, 2018
Weekly Report 18-01
GET READY FOR AN EXCEPTIONALLY CHALLENGING YEAR: AS POLITICIANS CONTINUE TO PRIORITIZE INCREASED EMPLOYMENT AND WAGES, forecasts predict up to 375 million workers globally needing to learn new skills for transition to available occupations over the next dozen years. Automation is forecast to impact up to a third of activities in some 60% of occupations... Continue
December 11, 2017