December 9, 2017
Weekly Report 17-51
HAPPY NEW YEAR. WHAT’S AHEAD IN 2018? FOR THE ECONOMY: “If history is any guide (and it often is), the business cycle is coming to an end. The world economy tends to tip into a recession every 8 to 10 years and the last one ended in 2009… The stock market is trading at valuation... Continue
December 3, 2017
Weekly Report 17-50
SMARTPHONES APPEAR TO CONTRIBUTE TO ADOLESCENT ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION. Scientific evidence supports the idea that “social media can inspire malaise,” and research on data from over 500,000 teens & millennials found mental troubles more likely from those who spent more time on new media than from those who “used screens less, spending time playing sport,... Continue
November 27, 2017
Weekly Report 17-49
TOP LEADERS MUST NOT ONLY THINK STRATEGICALLY, BUT ALSO PRACTICE THE ‘LITTLE THINGS that impact daily progress. A few of the most important, which too often get lost in the stress of daily operations are: (1) Keeping things in perspective and not overreacting to surprises. “Virtually nothing is as bad, or as good, as it... Continue
November 21, 2017
Weekly Report 17-48
FINDING SKILLED WORKERS IS BECOMING A “SCAVENGER HUNT” and a top concern for companies. According to the latest Duke University survey, “finding candidates with necessary skills is by far the biggest hiring challenge. Even rank-and-file candidates lack basic writing & math skills, largely since (1) “the alphabet has surrendered share of brain to emojis, with... Continue
November 13, 2017