September 10, 2016
THE ‘PAPERLESS’ OFFICE OF THE FUTURE, predicted for so long by so many, is far from fruition. As logical as it sounds, and even apart from fears of lost data from long-term power outage and/or generational technology changes that make... Continue
Weekly Report 16-37
September 3, 2016
“TO MILLENNIALS AND YOUNGER VIEWERS, PRIME-TIME IS REALLY ‘MY TIME.’ They want to watch on their terms… Sports, in particular, is less ingrained in the younger demographic – replaced by other things like video games, e-sports, and snapchat feeds.” Coupled... Continue
Weekly Report 16-35
September 3, 2016
“RANSOMWARE IS ESSENTIALLY A DIGITAL HOLDUP. Though your life is not in danger, you face the imminent threat of catastrophic consequences from the loss of irreplaceable data” when malware ‘freezes’ your computer and thieves demand a ransom (often in the... Continue
Weekly Report 16-36
August 19, 2016
WE’RE BREATHING BETTER THESE DAYS. Air pollution in America is dramatically better than in Europe, where diesel engines are more prevalent, based on World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. WHO has developed ‘average hourly limits’ about what levels of pollution constitute... Continue
Weekly Report 16-34
August 12, 2016
THE MOST COMMON CAUSE OF PERSONAL STRESS IS TIME PRESSURE relating to money, work, family, or all three. According to the American Psychological Ass’n, stress leads to anxiety disorders for women at a rate twice as prevalent as men, is... Continue