April 24, 2016
PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTIONS – BUSINESS OR MARRIAGE – ARE EMOTIONALLY STRESSFUL, and parties on all sides are understandably vulnerable to Trusted Advisors, particularly attorneys or therapists (family, clergy, psychologists, psychiatrists, etc.) who try to “instill their dogma into a client’s psyche…... Continue
Weekly Report 16-17
April 15, 2016
MOST TIME-STRAPPED BUSINESS LEADERS “KNOW THEY SHOULD plan ahead and prioritize, focus on the important as much as the urgent, invest in health (including getting enough sleep), make time for family & relationships, and limit mindless escapism. Today’s ‘always on’... Continue
Weekly Report 16-16
April 8, 2016
ENTREPRENEURS WHO ARE MOST EFFECTIVE AT RUNNING THEIR COMPANIES for optimal profitability with minimal risk often utilize a team of independent experts to focus on strategic issues — as distinct from the operational issues with which management routinely deals. The... Continue
Weekly Report 16-15
April 8, 2016
WHEN MERGER/ ACQISITION DEALS HAPPEN, ASSIMILATION AND INTERACTION OF PEOPLE who formerly thrived in different workplace cultures is a critical risk factor, often short-changed. The result can meaningfully lessen likelihood for effectively combining companies, stemming from two factors: (1) “individuals’... Continue
March 24, 2016
CALIFORNIA EMPLOYERS NOTE: NEW HARASSMENT & DISCRIMINATION REQUIREMENTS ARE EFFECTIVE APRIL 1. Regulations, which will be enforced by the Dep’t of Fair Employment & Housing, involve distribution of detail written policies to employees – translated into every language that is... Continue