January 9, 2016
THE COMING IMPACT OF ADDITIVE MAUFACTURING – aka 3D PRINTING – CANNOT BE OVERSTATED. Its convergence with robotics and artificial intelligence will continue to rapidly accelerate “the shift of wealth from labor to capital… dramatically reducing the costs and number... Continue
Weekly Report 16-02
January 2, 2016
GENERATION ‘Z’ (aka THE APP GENERATION) are some 60 million kids born after 2000. Their distinguishing characteristic is ‘learning’ almost solely from technology, with “Google-fostered expectations that everything be instantaneous.” Academics, psychologists and marketers are focused on the fact that... Continue
Weekly Report 16-01
December 24, 2015
SOME EMERGING TRENDS AND ISSUES WE’LL BE SEEING NEXT YEAR AND BEYOND: According to FAST COMPANY “OUT WITH USER INTERFACE, IN WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,” where 90% of Microsoft Research is now focused. “The emergence of new silicon architectures will result... Continue
Weekly Report 15-52,
December 20, 2015
‘SOLAR FLARE’ TRUMPS ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’ AS THE WORLD’S MORE IMMEDIATE DANGER! With our civilization literally and totally dependent on electrical technology, ‘electromagnetic pulse’ has become a critical risk. The most recent sun flair 25 years ago hit northeast America and... Continue
Weekly Report 15-51
December 20, 2015
PROUD AMERICAN STATS: The latest recent global study (this one by the World Bank, Gallup & George Washington University) puts the U.S. 14th in the world for ‘financial literacy’ after just 57% “were able to pass a basic, 5-question decision-making... Continue