December 20, 2015
‘SOLAR FLARE’ TRUMPS ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’ AS THE WORLD’S MORE IMMEDIATE DANGER! With our civilization literally and totally dependent on electrical technology, ‘electromagnetic pulse’ has become a critical risk. The most recent sun flair 25 years ago hit northeast America and... Continue
Weekly Report 15-51
December 20, 2015
PROUD AMERICAN STATS: The latest recent global study (this one by the World Bank, Gallup & George Washington University) puts the U.S. 14th in the world for ‘financial literacy’ after just 57% “were able to pass a basic, 5-question decision-making... Continue
Weekly Report 15-50
December 7, 2015
THE MOST POPULAR APPS SHARE PERSONAL INFO AND SEARCH TERMS WITH 3RD A Study by researchers from Harvard, MIT, and Carnegie-Mellon universities found that, without requiring user notification, nearly three-quarters of Android apps leaked user email info and nearly half... Continue
Weekly Report 15-49
November 27, 2015
THE COMING ‘EL NINO’ STORM SEASON HAS BEEN DUBBED ‘GODZILLA’ by a JPL climatologist and definitely merits some advance preparation steps to mitigate potential damage. Tips, depending on your property: (1) Clean out home gutters & downspouts; check for exterior... Continue
Weekly Report 15-48
November 27, 2015
“A LOT OF WHAT PASSES FOR AIRPORT ‘SECURITY’ IS MORE THEATRICAL THAN REAL… essentially a performance to reassure passengers… but there are legitimate doubts about how much the kind of security currently inflicted on passengers really contributes to their safety.”... Continue