January 4, 2015
HAPPY NEW YEAR! JibJab summary of 2014: click 10th annual Year in Review! BEWARE: FLU VACCINES ARE A QUESTIONABLE STRATEGY. Beyond provoking severe reactions in many, “according to the best scientific evidence available today, vaccinations only work against 10% of... Continue
Weekly Report 15-01
December 28, 2014
WHYARE AMERICA’S ROADS, BRIDGES AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE CRUMBLING? Mostly absurd costs stemming from “mandated wage levels for workers, strict union agreements, mysteriously high administrative costs, and torturous regulatory & bureaucratic hurdles.” A recent New York City subway extension cost $1.3... Continue
Weekly Report 14-52
December 19, 2014
LEADERSHIP TRAINING IS CRITICAL IN GROWING COMPANIES. Since adults typically retain just 10% of what they hear in classroom lectures, versus nearly two-thirds of what they learn by doing,” it’s important to integrate Management training opportunities into on-the-job projects. Developing... Continue
Weekly Report 12-51
December 13, 2014
THE NEW YEAR BRINGS OPPORTUNITY FOR TEAM MOTIVATION THROUGH STRATEGIC BRAINSTORMING SESSIONS. Studies consistently show that “people are more stimulated by intangibles like being given responsibility, appreciation, being listened to and respected,” so inclusion in forward-thinking sessions can promote better... Continue
Weekly Report 14-50
December 13, 2014
YEAR END PARTNER PROFIT ALLOCATIONS CAN CREATE GREAT STRESS AND MAJOR ISSUES. Ineffective partner compensation programs are actually the primary reason for split-ups, since the ‘straight-percentage-sharing’ model simply doesn’t fit today’s economic environment or expectations of younger workers. DCG has... Continue