November 29, 2014
THE MOST CRITICAL FACTORS IN BUSINESS SUCCESS include (1) Leadership – defining and guiding your team, with decisiveness, in a strategic direction based on clarity in goals, objectives and communication; and (2) sufficiency of Systems to monitor and control the... Continue
Weekly Report 14-48
November 22, 2014
AN IMPORTANT ATTRIBUTE OF LEADERSHIP IS NOT WASTING OTHER PEOPLE’S TIME – a pretty sure way of alienating them. A few tips: (1) Don’t just ‘drop by’ which usually interrupts productivity and personal time management; confirm their availability first;(2) Don’t... Continue
Weekly Report 14-47
November 15, 2014
TECHNOLOGY HAS TRANSFORMED PARENTING AND TEACHING… since trying to pretend that the world isn’t scary will only undermine the credibility of parents, teachers and other adults.” Whether or not the grownups in their lives choose to tell kids about murders,... Continue
Weekly Report 14-46
November 14, 2014
MOST DISPUTES – BUSINESS OR PERSONAL – MASK A PREDOMINANTLY EMOTIONAL ELEMENT which underlies the stated issues, and ‘hidden agenda’ is the primary obstacle which precludes sensible resolution. Non-binding Informal Mediation is a process of coaxing parties to focus on... Continue
Weekly Report 14-45
November 1, 2014
THE ONLINE ADVERTISING WORLD IS TRANSFORMING RAPIDLY BUT WITH DIFFICULTY. While computer exchanges “match marketers and audience segments with increasing precision… at best only 70% of Web ads get seen for more than one second… and 36% of Internet traffic... Continue