October 11, 2014
‘CAREER BURNOUT’ AFFECTS ALL BUSINESSES & PROFESSIONS when workers lose perspective on the criticality of work-life purpose and balance. Top causes include: (1) Lack of personal mission, balance or boundaries; (2) Mismatch between who you are, and what the job... Continue
Weekly Report 14-41
October 6, 2014
BE CAUTIOUS OF NEW APPS WHICH SPAM ALL YOUR CONTACTS. “Growth Hacking’ is the term which describes “what happens when developers go beyond merely building in social hooks that help products go viral, and instead try to force virality at... Continue
Weekly Report 14-39
October 4, 2014
“THE RELEVANT VERSUS THE NEW IS THE FUNDAMENTAL BATTLE OF THE CURRENT AGE, and media organizations want you to believe that ‘news’ offers you some sort of competitive advantage.” But how many of the stories we read/watch/listen to really impact... Continue
Weekly Report 14-40
September 21, 2014
“IT SEEMS DIFFICULT TO IMAGINE, BUT THERE WAS ONCE A TIME when human beings did not feel the need to share their every waking moment with hundreds of millions, even billions, of complete and utter strangers… posting minute-by-minute details on... Continue
Weekly Report 14–38
September 15, 2014
“GOAL SETTING IS THE ART OF PREDICTING THE FUTURE, and the best way to create the future is to predict it,” according to guru Peter Drucker. The ability to create our own destiny starts in three distinct and core phases:... Continue