September 6, 2014
PROMOTION TO A MANAGEMENT POSITION IS A DIFFICULT SHIFT for many employees who have previously been advanced for “their skills and ability to get tasks done on their own or in small teams.” And the Peter Principle – promotion to... Continue
Weekly Report 14-36
August 30, 2014
MILLENNIAL UPDATE – OUR NEWEST GENERATION Z: Millennial is the moniker for GEN Y, kids born between roughly 1980 and 1995, today between 20 and early 30s. GEN Z are the kids born after 1995, currently under age 19. Each... Continue
Weekly Report 14-35
August 23, 2014
THE SECRET OF HAPPINESS: degree of overall expectation and surprise! So concludes a recent neuroscience study involving MRI scanning of over 18,000 participants finding that (1) “Happiness depends on how reality pans out relative to expectation,” particularly when having pursued... Continue
Weekly Report 14-34
August 16, 2014
“O WOULD SOME POWER THE GIFT TO GIVE US: TO SEE OURSELVES AS OTHERS SEE US” (Robert Burns, poet). As conventional employee management increasingly conflicts with rapidly changing technology and millennial attitudes, the willingness and ability of Companies to adapt... Continue
Weekly Report 14-33
August 8, 2014
THE GRAY ECONOMY IS COMPRISED OF UNDER-EMPLOYED WORKERS, “either jobless, too discouraged to seek work, or working less than they’d like to or in off-the-books jobs” – some two million in LA County and over 16% statewide, tied with Nevada... Continue