July 20, 2014
DID YOUR PRODUCTIVITY TODAY SUFFER FROM PARALYZING ANXIETY? From being too hard on yourself for yesterday’s mistake? Or too worried about making incorrect assumptions about tomorrow? Other than needing consistent clarity in personal goals & objectives, “the only thing anyone... Continue
Weekly Report 14-29
July 5, 2014
ARE YOUR EMPLOYEES EVER “FRUSTRATED, DEMOTIVATED OR DEMORALIZED after working hard – only to be told they have done the wrong thing, after having done everything they thought they were supposed to do?” When this occurs, it’s almost always due... Continue
Weekly Report 14-27
June 28, 2014
“IT IS STRIKING TO SEE HOW ILL-SUITED MOST COMPANIES ARE FOR GEN Y VALUES of creativity, community and equality.” Millennial priority drivers include: opportunities for development & advancement; ‘purpose’ in their work; transparency of information, including business strategy; working with... Continue
Weekly Report 14-26
June 23, 2014
“DIMINISHING CLASSROOM PLAYTIME COULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RISE OF ADHD.” Playtime has been the basis of scientific discoveries (even Einstein’s special theory of relativity, after he imagined himself “chasing a beam of light”) and it’s well documented that play... Continue
Weekly Report 14-25
June 14, 2014
MERGER OR ACQUISITION DILIGENCE OFTEN NEGLECTS MANAGEMENT CONFLICT RISK. “The other side might bring sterling credentials – financially strong, a top-notch control system, squeaky clean legally – and still be incapable of meeting the objectives you have for the deal.”... Continue