November 18, 2023
OPTIMIZING BUSINESS GOALS REQUIRES A COMBINATION OF LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT qualities both in Strategy plus Execution skills. Management involves problem-solving discipline, in which planning, budgeting & process creates intended results; Leadership, in contrast, is about the embrace of change, innovation... Continue
Weekly Report 23-56
November 18, 2023
CYBERSECURITY UPDATE: Since ChatGPT and other generative Artificial Intelligence programs have launched, malicious phishing emails have increased by more than 1,200% and text messages by nearly 30% in the past year. I. leveraging tools now help write “sophisticated, targeted Business... Continue
Weekly Report 23-57
October 26, 2023
OPTIMIZING BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY, PROFITABILITY AND STABILITY always requires emphasis on clarity and consensus among leaders and decision-makers in prioritizing strategic Goals & Objectives – i.e. where to get and what is required to get there – before implementing the Tactics... Continue
Weekly Report 23-55
October 26, 2023
‘IMAGINE STROLLING DOWN A BUSY STREET AND SNAPPING A PHOTO of a stranger, then uploading it into a search engine that almost instantaneously helps you identify the person. Facial recognition technology isn’t a hypothetical – it’s possible now, thanks to... Continue
Weekly Report 23-54
October 19, 2023
MOST EXECUTIVES HAVE REACHED THEIR POSITION by having accurate-enough awareness of business realities and realistic alternatives, then making & implementing decisive actions in an effective manner. But everyone has blind spots, and many who manage others lack self-awareness. “Relationships are... Continue