March 30, 2013
• WHY DO EMERGING & MID-SIZE COMPANIES NEED AN ADVISORY BOARD? Because effective strategy is the single most important factor in business success and, no matter how knowledgeable or capable a company’s owners/managers may be, strategic decisions are always optimized from... Continue
Weekly Report 13-14
March 23, 2013
IS YOUR EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE REVIEW PROCESS EFFECTIVE ENOUGH TO JUSTIFY THE TIME SPENT? In many companies which still utilize a check-the-box process, delivering results along with compensation changes through managers untrained in objectives or communication, “sentiment is growing that formal... Continue
Weekly Report 13-13
March 17, 2013
THE MILLENNIAL GENERATION DON’T BELIEVE MUCH IN ORGANIZATIONAL HEIRARCHIES and that “waiting in line doesn’t make sense when they’re ready now.” Surveys show that some two-thirds of workers born after the late 1970s know “their personal drive is intimidating” but... Continue
Weekly Report 13-12
March 10, 2013
A PUBLIC COMPANY HAS MANY PRESUMED PURPOSES – building products & markets, providing jobs for employees, contributing to the community, and certainly providing financial returns to its investors. But in today’s business world, “only the maximization of shareholder’s wealth has... Continue
Weekly Report 13-11
March 3, 2013
“EVERY HOUR OF TV THAT KIDS WATCH ON AN AVERAGE WEEKNIGHT CAN INCREASE THEIR RISK OF LANDING IN PRISON BY 30%… especially low-income boys who are most at risk of being victims and perpetrators of aggression.” However, a new Seattle... Continue