February 21, 2023
NOW, DEFINITAVELY, “THE VALUE OF WEARING MASKS DURING THE PANDEMIC WAS ZERO. The most rigorous analysis of 15 randomized clinical trials by Cochrane (the world’s largest & most respected organization for evaluating health interventions, funded by NIH) concluded that: (1)... Continue
Weekly Report 23-12
February 17, 2023
A GREAT MANY BUSINESS OR PERSONAL DISPUTES mask some level of emotional element which underlies the stated issues – often becoming the primary obstacle which precludes sensible resolution. DCG provides Informal Mediation services, a process of coaxing parties to focus... Continue
Weekly Report 23-11
February 13, 2023
THINKING ABOUT AND PLANNING FOR DISPOSITION OF ASSETS AT DEATH is a generally unpleasant and procrastinated task. But the time delay and cost of estate distribution to beneficiaries, coupled with uncertainty about age/ maturity/ relationships with heirs at some future... Continue
Weekly Report 23-10
February 8, 2023
“THE NATURE OF BUREAUCRATS IS TO REGULATE CONTROL with a singular goal in mind that outweighs any other consideration.” Latest is a new ‘Climate Plan’ cooked up by EPA/ Energy/ Transportation/ Housing Departments which effectively would launch an ‘Emissions Lockdown’... Continue
Weekly Report 23-09
February 2, 2023
TOUGH GETTING THE ATTENTION OF DISTRACTED PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY CHATTY FRIENDS AND BUSY EXECS? A few strategies: (1) Start with a strong opening line which focuses on the point you wish to present; with bosses, that’s generally related to revenues or... Continue