December 11, 2023
Weekly Report 23-63
THE CENTURIES OF ACCUSTOMED STATURE FOR IVY LEAGUE and other so-called ‘elite’ universities are rapidly and deservedly coming to an end, as result of: (1) The post-2020 riot changes in admissions practices, to admit ‘diverse’ students well beyond their percentage of the population; (2) Abolition of meritocracy measured by high-school and SAT performance; (3) Acceptance... Continue
December 4, 2023
Weekly Report 23-62
RECRUITING RELIABLE EMPLOYEES IS BECOMING TOUGHER AND TOUGHER. Especially with many resumes now being prepped by A.I., and despite countless lie-detection tutorials on YouTube, employers are very often deceived by resume or interview misrepresentation and flat-out lying from job candidates. Moreover, the likelihood for any negative feedback is remote – even deep background-checking with former... Continue
November 27, 2023
Weekly Report 23-61
“OPEN AI IS THE BIGGEST THREAT IN THE HISTORY OF HUMANITY. Artificial General Intelligence is effectively a machine that can do nearly anything any human can do: anything mental, and through robots, anything physical. This includes deciding what it wants to do and then executing it, with the thoughtfulness of a human, at the speed... Continue
November 23, 2023
Weekly Report 23-60
MEGA MILLIONS OF AIR TRAVELLERS THIS THANKSGIVING WEEK WILL SET A RECORD. Beware of the ‘Booster Bag’ theft scam: IN THIS AGE OF ABSENCE IN PRIORITIZATION on crime prevention or corruption of Officials, increasing taxation with wasteful spending on needless wars, and looming recession without realistic expectation for limiting inflation, “interest owed annually on... Continue
November 19, 2023