
November 19, 2023

Weekly Report 23-58

STRATEGIC LEADERS ARE THOSE WHO CAN set goals, recognize the risks and tradeoffs, then invest time, talent & capital to create productivity, profitability and value. “Strategic leaders develop the ability to Think/ Plan/ and Do, by: (1) Understanding new and realistic approaches to solving challenges; (2) Willingness to ensure that use of resources aligns with... Continue
November 18, 2023

Weekly Report 23-56

OPTIMIZING BUSINESS GOALS REQUIRES A COMBINATION OF LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT qualities both in Strategy plus Execution skills. Management involves problem-solving discipline, in which planning, budgeting & process creates intended results; Leadership, in contrast, is about the embrace of change, innovation and inspiring people. Managers need to be mostly involved in operational activities and direct meetings... Continue
November 18, 2023

Weekly Report 23-57

CYBERSECURITY UPDATE: Since ChatGPT and other generative Artificial Intelligence programs have launched, malicious phishing emails have increased by more than 1,200% and text messages by nearly 30% in the past year.  I. leveraging tools now help write “sophisticated, targeted Business Compromise and other phishing messages across email, mobile and browser channels, underscoring the urgency for... Continue
October 26, 2023

Weekly Report 23-55

OPTIMIZING BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY, PROFITABILITY AND STABILITY always requires emphasis on clarity and consensus among leaders and decision-makers in prioritizing strategic Goals & Objectives – i.e. where to get and what is required to get there – before implementing the Tactics for achievement. An appropriate acronym is S.M.A.R.T: Specific / Measurable/ Achievable (realistic with reference to... Continue
October 26, 2023

Weekly Report 23-54

‘IMAGINE STROLLING DOWN A BUSY STREET AND SNAPPING A PHOTO of a stranger, then uploading it into a search engine that almost instantaneously helps you identify the person. Facial recognition technology isn’t a hypothetical – it’s possible now, thanks to a website called PimEyes, considered one of the most powerful publicly available facial recognition tools... Continue