November 23, 2021
Weekly Report 21-83
RECRUITING & RETAINING GOOD EMPLOYEES IS BECOMING TOUGHER, as workers have spent “intense time at home, now questioning why they need to resume ‘business as normal,’ particularly if it comes from the top without asking. They’re feeling stressed, anxious, burned out, facing more change & uncertainty, looking for ‘something more’ from employers – especially logic... Continue
November 19, 2021
Weekly Report 21-82
ENTREPRENEURSHIP ALWAYS REQUIRES SOME DEGREE OF RISK-TAKING MENTALITY, which also always embodies some level of ‘failure’ – in wasted time, money and or reputation. “Neuroeconomics, which studies the role that our brain’s liking & wanting systems play in shaping decisions, divides the world into two mindsets: (A) Fear of making mistakes with shameful & disastrous... Continue
November 12, 2021
Weekly Report 21-81
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND MOTIVATION can be enhanced by frequent one-on-one ‘OKR check-ins (Objective & Key Results) from Managers. Besides enabling individual worker monitoring & guidance, when combined with frequent team meetings, OKR also helps workers view each other’s objectives/ progress/ obstacles, which clarifies responsibilities and accountability. Frequent conversations provide feedback, reconition, and allow opportunity for... Continue
November 7, 2021
Weekly Report 21-80
“THE UNPRECEDENTED WILLINGNESS OF WORKERS TO SIMPLY QUIT” has become a critical factor in maintaining business profitability and stability. Employee retention in today’s climate is dependent on providing workers with opportunity for growth & development, according to the most recent Gallup survey which found nearly half “would consider switching jobs in order to update their... Continue
November 3, 2021