February 17, 2021
Weekly Report 21-16
FOR MOST PEOPLE, CAUTION IN DECISION MAKING IS THE RULE – a phenomenon called Loss Aversion, the idea (supported by years of psychological & economic research) that coin flips are never better than 50:50 and that “losses loom larger than gains.” However, studies at Northwestern University now suggest that when the stakes are potentially life-altering... Continue
February 15, 2021
Weekly Report 21-15
“ATTEMPTS TO SILENCE OTHERS IS NOW THE PREVAILING ETHOS IN CORPORATE ‘JOURNALISM’ by the three most influential corporate media outlets, searching for online spaces where their believed speech & conduct rules are being violated, then pleading that punitive action be taken – banning, censorship and content regulations… These organizations have no desire to take on... Continue
February 12, 2021
Weekly Report 21-14
“DELIBERATION IS ESSENTIAL TO DECISION-MAKING FOR OPTIMAL OUTCOMES, but “there comes a point when contemplation turns into overthinking which squanders valuable time & energy instead of taking action steps” which impedes both efficiency and effectiveness. A cycle of overthinking can be improved by: (1) “Putting aside Perfectionism – because it operates on a faulty all-or-nothing... Continue
February 8, 2021
Weekly Report 21-13
“THE ONLY THING MESSIER THAN A BARELY REGULATED INTERNET, is one regulated by the people who would like to regulate it… Big Tech is one of the menaces of the age, with a power that exceeds anything in the history of information – not only to decide what we can hear, say & know, but... Continue
February 4, 2021