
January 1, 2021

Weekly Report 21-01

SURVEYS SUGGEST THAT BARELY 8% OF NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS SURVIVE 30 DAYS. The biggest reason is that changing a particular behavior is difficult if the routines that surround it remain the same. Since the pandemic crisis & Lockdowns have, for most people, changed their routines significantly, and research has shown that anything new for as... Continue
December 29, 2020

Weekly Report 20-104

AMERICA HAS BIFURCATED INTO THREE ALMOST DISTINCT NATIONS: (1) Liberals – “globalized, bi-coastal, wealthy, internationalized, with higher percentages of college-educated & pseudo-credentialed, mostly in control of the nation’s culture & politics – as defined by the administrative state, bureaucracies, media, academia, foundations, corporate boardrooms, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, along with the elite echelon of... Continue
December 21, 2020

Weekly Report 20-103

NOT IN TIME FOR THIS HOLIDAY SEASON, BUT A MECHANISM THAT “SWITCHES OFF FAT PRODUCTION AFTER EATING” has been developed at Univ. of Illinois, according to a study published in Nature Communications. Evidently, “lipogenesis – the process by which digested food is turned into fat by the liver – is turned off by a gut... Continue
December 14, 2020

Weekly Report 20-102

BUSINESS LEADERS CREATE VISION, BUT MANAGERS ARE CRITICAL to effectively implementing strategy, by leading their teams toward common objectives and coaxing optimal productivity. Strong Managers generally: (1) Clearly communicate direction & expectations to their workers and monitor consistently to ensure alignment; (2) Meet regularly with individual team members to coach, develop, and focus on any... Continue
December 9, 2020

Weekly Report 20-101

WITH VACCINE EFFICACY NOW SHOWING 95%, and U.S. ‘natural’ immunity believed to be 25%, the target for reaching Covid-19 HERD IMMUNITY is 58% population coverage, assuming that vaccines are distributed to both adults and children. If to adults only, coverage may need to be as high as 85%.  [McKINSEY – 12/5/20]  THE INMATES NOW DO... Continue