July 5, 2020
Weekly Report 20-50
IN THE LATEST “EFFORT TO REPLACE ‘RACIALLY FRAUGHT’ TERMS which can make a difference when avoiding subtle or unconscious acts of discrimination, called ‘micro-aggression,’…techies at Twitter have selected words that don’t harken back to oppressive parts of U.S. history & culture.” So far, gendered pronouns like guys, he/his – are now folks, people, y’all, they/their;... Continue
July 2, 2020
Weekly Report 20-49
IDENTITY THEFT IS REMAINS RAMPANT THESE DAYS, and provides easy profit for cybercriminals who sell information on the Dark Web. FYI: current approximate prices are highest obviously for financial accounts (Bank $260, Debit Card $250, Pay Pal & Credit cards up to $42); then E-commerce accounts ($22 for eBay to $30 for Amazon); Mobile Phone... Continue
June 27, 2020
Weekly Report 20-48
ALL BUSINESSES, BUT ESPECIALLY SMALL & FAMILY-RUN ORGANIZATIONS, ARE FACING THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE to moving-forward in over a century, requiring reset of strategy & values in the context of ‘Next Normal.’ To survive, Leaders need to “confront the reality of their competitive environment and the hidden barriers” that often torpedo even well-organized businesses, the most... Continue
June 25, 2020
Weekly Report 20-47
“THE OFFICE WORKPLACE IS PART OF OUR HOLISTIC WORK EXPERIENCE. While working-at-home has demonstrated a reasonable level of productivity & effectiveness, deleting the office altogether is not the best option. Reasons include its environment providing: (1) Shared purpose and alignment of objectives. A recent study found 2/3 of companies reporting struggle to maintain morale, energy... Continue
June 23, 2020