April 10, 2015
THE LEADERSHIP MODEL WHICH DCG HAS PREACHED FOR DECADES has been substantiated by a major McKinsey survey of 189,000 people in 81 diverse organizations around the world: “While different business situations require different styles of leadership…four core behaviors account for... Continue
Weekly Report 15-15.
April 4, 2015
ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS ARE UNSURPRISINGLY DIAGNOSED AS TROUBLE. “Research is mounting that low- and no-calorie sweeteners may not be a great choice for dieters. A recent 9-year study of seniors found that diet-soda drinkers gained nearly triple the abdominal fat –... Continue
Weekly Report 15-14
March 29, 2015
LIFETIME TRANSFER PLANNING is more about “discussion of contingencies rather than structure,” focused on strategies for wealth protection (including tax avoidance) and for distribution of assets to loved ones, charitable entities and/or other legacy objectives, before deathbed decisions & declarations... Continue
Weekly Report 15-13
March 21, 2015
MILLENNIAL UPDATE: Some 92 million people aged 15 to 35 now comprise the biggest generation in U.S. history and their impact is huge – on their parents as well as the country’s economy. Having come-of-age during years of dramatic economic... Continue
Weekly Report 15-12
March 21, 2015
AN EFFECTIVE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PROCESS IS CRITICAL to employee motivation, development and retention. But most businesses utilize archaic processes which can produce the exact opposite results, by: (1) Making the process an intimidating one-way criticism “on the past and who’s... Continue