March 2, 2015
PARTNERSHIP CONFLICTS INCREASE AS FIRMS GROW and partners are added, founders are compelled to not only give up control but acknowledge the criticality of buy-in, decision-making becomes more complex and communication becomes more difficult. Conflicts inevitably arise over time as... Continue
February 21, 2015
A FAMILY BUSINESS GENERALLY HAS UNIQUE BENEFITS BUT ALSO VERY TOUGH CHALLENGES including: (1) Handling unqualified or dysfunctional family members who must be brought-in ‘just because’ they’re family; (2) The Entitlement attitude of next-generation members – that the business ‘owes’... Continue
Weekly Report 15-08
February 14, 2015
HIDDEN BIAS MAKES MOST OF US SUSCEPTIBLE to judgments & decisions which are often misdirected and/or less than optimal. The process of quick decision-making, known as heuristics or mental shortcuts, is efficient and can be effective but is subject to... Continue
Weekly Report 15-07
February 14, 2015
EVEN WITH EXERCISE, SITTING FOR LONG PERIODS INCREASES RISK OF DYING FROM HEALTH PROBLEMS BY 24%. Since “more than half of an average person’s day is spent being sedentary – sitting, watching TV or working at a computer” – this... Continue
Weekly Report 15-06
January 31, 2015
MOST LIKELY, OUR SLOW ‘RECOVERY’ IS THE RESULT of a “prolonged period of interventionist monetary, fiscal and regulatory policy…which distorts capital allocation, increase uncertainty, and massively redistribute wealth and income… The Fed that is now ‘saving the financial system’ is... Continue