July 26, 2023
BUSINESS LEADERS OFTEN OVERLOOK THE FACT THAT EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP IS ABOUT more than being assertive or charismatic; it also requires being open to insights from those being led! Leadership is functionally a ‘Top Down’ process, but also involves a balance... Continue
Weekly Report 23-40
July 19, 2023
A REMINDER — HOW DCG CAN HELP YOU NAVIGATE THE UPCOMING STRATEGIC & FINANCIAL MINEFIELDS. We are now calendaring courtesy consultation sessions in areas including: Strategic Consultancy Business Strategy / Change & Transition Management / Communication Process / Crisis &... Continue
Weekly Report 23-39
July 14, 2023
ALL EVIDENCE TO DATE NOW CONFIRMS A SYSTEM OF WIDESPREAD FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA which, in collusion with mainstream media, has significantly silenced criticism and political dissent. Narratives relating particularly to Covid realities and Biden family economic relationships with foreign countries... Continue
Weekly Report 23-38
July 7, 2023
“GONE ARE THE DAYS WHEN ‘CHANGE’ WAS A PERIODIC EVENT, versus today’s fast-paced digital world in a steady state of change and evolution.” New applications and collaborative tools largely contribute to employee distraction from interruptions every 5-minutes, annoyance at needing... Continue
Weekly Report 23-37
June 30, 2023
AS POLITICAL & SOCIAL ISSUES INCREASINGLY DOMINATE THE NEWS, remember that surveys and opinion polls are seldom accurate and often misleading, particularly as to Trends. The principal reasons are: (1) Bias in phrasing of questions by pollsters always impacts... Continue