December 14, 2021
“‘DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION’ HAS BECOME AN IMPERATIVE AND CRITICAL FACTOR for almost every type and size of organization, to some degree: interface with business partners & vendors, meeting expectations of employees (in hiring/ incentivizing/ training/ retaining), as well as marketing/ retention... Continue
Weekly Report 21- 87
December 9, 2021
“VIOLENT CRIME IS NEVER FAR BEHIND DISORDER ON THE STREETS, and West Coast cities now lead the nation in ‘smash-and-grab’ thieves.” Reasons are consistent and simple: ‘Progressive’ prosecutors limiting arrest, incarceration or punishment for shoplifters, looters, even organized thieves; and... Continue
Weekly Report 21-86
December 2, 2021
UNTIL RECENT YEARS, “EMPLOYEES HAD A JOB, NOT A VOICE.” Increasingly, as resignations in many sectors are at an all-time high (with 3% of America’s workforce quitting their jobs in September alone), companies now need to be intentional about both... Continue
Weekly Report 21-85
November 27, 2021
‘RADICAL CANDOR’ RELATES TO A BUSINESS STRATEGY THAT ‘HONESTY’ as the best manner of motivating worker performance. But “people rarely say exactly what they mean, while hoping their meaning is nonetheless clear… and some words & phrases are so opaque... Continue
Weekly Report 21-84
November 23, 2021
RECRUITING & RETAINING GOOD EMPLOYEES IS BECOMING TOUGHER, as workers have spent “intense time at home, now questioning why they need to resume ‘business as normal,’ particularly if it comes from the top without asking. They’re feeling stressed, anxious, burned... Continue