October 26, 2023
OPTIMIZING BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY, PROFITABILITY AND STABILITY always requires emphasis on clarity and consensus among leaders and decision-makers in prioritizing strategic Goals & Objectives – i.e. where to get and what is required to get there – before implementing the Tactics... Continue
Weekly Report 23-55
October 26, 2023
‘IMAGINE STROLLING DOWN A BUSY STREET AND SNAPPING A PHOTO of a stranger, then uploading it into a search engine that almost instantaneously helps you identify the person. Facial recognition technology isn’t a hypothetical – it’s possible now, thanks to... Continue
Weekly Report 23-54
October 19, 2023
MOST EXECUTIVES HAVE REACHED THEIR POSITION by having accurate-enough awareness of business realities and realistic alternatives, then making & implementing decisive actions in an effective manner. But everyone has blind spots, and many who manage others lack self-awareness. “Relationships are... Continue
Weekly Report 23-53
October 19, 2023
EXHAUSTED & FEELING WASTED AT END OF A TOUGH WORKDAY? Research at Hong Kong Polytechnic University suggests that “when facing repetitive & monotonous tasks which necessitate immediate attention, scheduling the harder tasks first and easier tasks last – even when... Continue
Weekly Report 23-52
September 29, 2023
HIGHER EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT SHOULD ALWAYS BE AN OBJECTIVE OF MANAGERS, and many presume that engineering worker friendships is part of their role. But many studies suggest this is a mistake when Managers wade into the business of friend-making, for reasons... Continue