
March 21, 2021

Weekly Report 21-26

“GOOD LISTENERS TEND TO MAKE BETTER DECISIONS, based on better-informed judgements which result from most productive dialogue.” Many people, especially executives & managers, are naturally inclined to speak their minds, treating conversations as opportunities to broadcast their own ideas, and/or spend more time formulating their next response than paying attention to what the other person... Continue
March 18, 2021

Weekly Report 21-25

“WILL COMMON SENSE PREVAIL, OR IS IT TOO LATE?… In multiple venues of public policy today, common sense has been supplanted by doctrine & dogma… Nowhere is this more apparent than in the administration’s bizarre insistence that the border is fluid, transitory, and apparently altogether optional… Wall construction halted; Remain in Mexico while seeking asylum... Continue
March 15, 2021

Weekly Report 21-24

HOW TO BEST GET HACKED OR BECOME AN IDENTITY THEFT VICTIM:   [KIPLINGER – 3/12/21] Don’t password protect your mobile devices and store personal data on them Set your social media setting to Public, and transact online activity over public WIFI Take fun quizzes games which as for personal data & photos; Let your kids download... Continue
March 11, 2021

Weekly Report 21-23

THE BIGGEST SINGLE DRIVER OF ORGANIZATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY & PROFITABILITY involves communication of employee goals & expectations which clarify their role and motivate commitment which elevates worker performance, according to McKinsey.  DCG experience is that the most effective tactics to achieve this objective involve: (1) Linking key employees to the company’s strategic goals, objectives & priorities,... Continue
March 8, 2021

Weekly Report 21-22

IN NORMAL TIMES, PEOPLE HANDLE UNCERTAINTIES BY RELYING ON PREVIOUS CULTURE, STRUCTURES & PROCESSES, but nothing about the past year has been normal, and maintaining stability (and sanity) is now a matter of continuous attention, learning and flexible response as circumstances evolve. Businesswise, the severity and speed of this pandemic’s economic & political impacts is... Continue