July 7, 2023
“GONE ARE THE DAYS WHEN ‘CHANGE’ WAS A PERIODIC EVENT, versus today’s fast-paced digital world in a steady state of change and evolution.” New applications and collaborative tools largely contribute to employee distraction from interruptions every 5-minutes, annoyance at needing... Continue
Weekly Report 23-37
June 30, 2023
AS POLITICAL & SOCIAL ISSUES INCREASINGLY DOMINATE THE NEWS, remember that surveys and opinion polls are seldom accurate and often misleading, particularly as to Trends. The principal reasons are: (1) Bias in phrasing of questions by pollsters always impacts... Continue
Weekly Report 23-36
June 27, 2023
PURSUIT OF OPTIMAL BUSINESS SKILLS TAKES MANY FORMS. Latest research suggests that up to a quarter of people have ‘Lucid Dreams’ regularly – a state of sleep where a degree of control can foster generation of ideas and even... Continue
Weekly Report 23-35
June 19, 2023
GENERATIONAL WORKPLACE CONFLICT CONTINUES TO INCREASE as Gen Zers in their twenties get hired. A recent survey of 1,300 Managers found two-thirds saying they have needed to fire younger employees, half attributing it to issues like lack of effort, poor... Continue
Weekly Report 23-34
June 13, 2023
FINDING AND KEEPING WORKERS IS INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT with surveys reporting up to two-thirds of candidates only willing to accept a job offer if they know and agree with a company’s purpose, and some 90% claiming they are willing to trade... Continue